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Township of Wilmot Burn Permits

Apply for your online permit today.

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Open air burning is permitted with a valid permit. Remember only clean dry firewood is allowed in recreational fires.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a burn permit for a campfire in my backyard?

Yes, residents of Wilmot Township need to have a valid Recreational Burn Permit to have a campfire.

How can I obtain a burn permit and what is the cost?

You must register online using this website, or visit us in person. The cost of the permit is $20.00 per year (includes HST).

If I have an old lifetime permit is it still valid or grandfathered?

No, all permits issued before January 1, 2022 are null and void. You are required to purchase a new permit annually.

Is there a minimum lot size for a permit?

Lots must be at least 10m wide and must have at least 3m of clearance from combustibles such as decks, fences, trees, etc. to qualify for a permit.

Can I burn leaves in my recreational / backyard fire?

No, yard waste such as leaves and brush causes excessive amounts of smoke and may not be burned.

What can I burn?

Only "clean" dry firewood is permitted. "Clean" means the firewood does not contain any chemicals, for example pressure treating, glue or paint.